Our ingredients
Our K9 Biotics products are full of beneficial ingredients:
- Enzyme and Probiotic Blend: Probiotics are dietary supplements that provide important bacteria to the intestinal tract by creating a balance in their digestive tracts. They also help pets get the most from their diets. Does your pet has recurring tear stains? Are you are tired of giving antibiotics daily for this issue? One of the most common forms of this bacteria, is called Red Yeast, which causes a yeast infection around the eyes and leads to the brownish-red stains that you sometimes see on dogs. Our product will help with this one common issue by boosting the immune system and crowding out the bacteria associated with this issue.The digestive system is the first line of defense for the their immune system; keeping it in optimal condition benefits their overall health and immunity, probiotics and enzymes will keeps this in check.
- Greens: Greens are super foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other essential nutrients. They assist the body in detoxification, and in healing and repairing tissues. They not only contain a wide array of amino acids in an easy to assimilate form but help create a less acidic internal environment, and help the body in becoming more pH alkaline balanced. Thus, preventing urinary and bladder issues in your pets.They also provide enzymes that help with digestion, and help provide oxygen to cells.
- Chlorophyl is a natural cleanser and is often referred to as nature's remedy! Natural chlorophyll from plants may help reverse a wide array of health disorders affecting many organs, including the skin, intestines, and liver, as well as helping to normalize cardiovascular functions, and helping the body overcome obesity and diabetes.
- Berries! Cranberry! Blueberry! Raspberry!: Berries in many forms contribute the same benefits as greens when they’re ripe, but berries earn a an award as top greens in our Holistic K9Biotics formula. Berries are among the fruits highest in antioxidant content. They are rich suppliers of several phytochemicals that are believed to help maintain cellular health. All berries are an excellent source of vitamin C, and their plant leaves carry health benefits as well.
- Super Greens - Broccoli, Spinach & Kale: Our mothers got it right in encouraging us all to eat these greens – they’re rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and many phytochemicals. Research has demonstrated strong antioxidant and cellular health maintenance properties of cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale and spinach. Spinach is loaded with antioxidants, Vitamins A & C and calcium, and has the same health protective properties as the other greens on our dinner table.
- Plant Enzymes – Papain & Bromelain: Rounding out our Greens formula are two amazing greens, papain and bromelain, Proterozoic enzymes found in papaya and pineapple. These botanical extracts help the body with digestion and help break down protein into amino acids for use in repairing tissues and maintaining the body. These healthy enzymes are known to ease digestive discomfort and are also believed to support the inflammatory responses throughout the body. Probiotics are often used to help occasional diarrhea, gas and foul smelling poops and are essential for dogs that are on a prescription or are receiving antibiotics for another issue. Good flora equal healthy dogs and better assimilation of the foods they are eating on a daily basis. Probiotics are often used to help occasional diarrhea, flatulence, bad breath, and foul smelling stools are absolutely essential for any animal receiving antibiotics or any other prescription drugs that deplete intestinal microflora.
- Living enzymes remove toxins from the body, starting at the cellular level. When cells are healthy, vital, and clean, better health naturally follows. This is why we expect less seizure activity and faster recovery after events. Living enzymes add key nutritional benefits needed to cleanse toxins and free radicals from soft tissues to maintain the normal healthy functioning immune system. The results are less inflammation, less allergies, less responses and faster turn around when subjected to illnesses.The best of foods have their "living enzymes" destroyed by heat and processing. All living beings require "live" food sources in order to maintain proper cellular function on a daily basis. Enzymes are the key to good nutrition!
- Milk thistle has a long history of use for a variety of health issues, but it is most known and used for it's effectiveness in maintaining and supporting the liver. Milk thistle's sylmarin component is a powerful antioxidant and maintains liver cell resistance to toxins, while at the same time supporting strong cellular reproduction.
- Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples with strong anti-inflammatory benefits.
- Papain is a plant enzyme extracted from pineapple and has great anti-inflammatory properties and anti-tumor properties to treat skin allergies and arthritis. Aids in the digestion of protein. Papain works by helping to cleanse the tissues and intestinal walls. Helps Quercitin become mor effective.
- Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase are four basic digestive enzymes that unlike vitamins, minerals and other nutrients form food so they can be absorbed. Enzymes are really the key to good nutrition!
- Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract is a powerhouse of vitamins and antioxidants as well as anti-cancer benefits, cardiovascular system support.
- Ginger Root Powder is soothing for the stomach as well as an anti-inflammatory. Great for arthritis.
- Milk Thistle Seed extract protects the liver against monthly toxins that are used for fleas and heart worm. Research suggests Milk Thistle extract not only prevents damage to the liver, but also helps repair it. Milk Thistle is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants protect our pets from environmental toxins that increase free radicals in the body. Milk Thistle also protects the stomach with IBD.
- Beet Root Powder is low in calories and a great source of fiber. Super antioxidants for a healthy heart.
- Resveratrol is an anti-inflammatory and has great cardio protective properties. Supports longevity and maintains overall health throughout the aging process. Helps to support normal metabolic function as well as maintaining a healthy blood sugar level.
- Organic Cinnamon Powder kills parasites, relieves allergies and aids in weight management.
- Organic Aloe Leaf Powder is a natural healer for intestinal issues and provides pain relief for arthritis.
- Organic Acerola Berry Powder is an anti viral and antibacterial which will enhance the immune system.
- Tumeric Root Extract is a great source of churchmen and will stop pain and inflammation. Can regulate blood sugar in diabetes.
- Organic Kelp Powder is great for skin and coat as well as weight control and flea control.
- Organic Pumpkin Seed Powder is a great source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and a super natural fiber for stool regularity.
- Licorice Root Extract is great for stomach upset. Excellent anti-inflammatory as well as super for liver balance.
- Masson Pine Bark Extract is great for circulation, mobility issues and a great anti-inflammatory.
- Cherry Fruit Powder has antioxidant benefits.
- Chlorella Cracked Cell Wall Powder will balance pH as well as detoxifying benefits.Chlorella Cracked Cell Wall Powder is a green food which provides concentrated nutrition and superb toxin binding capacity.
- Certified Organic Spirulina will boost the immune system, help with gastrointestinal health and reduce allergies. Spirulina is the a protein food. It has a high concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B12, iron and trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid GLA (gamma-linolenic acid).
- Carrot Root Powder is low in calories, high in beta-carotene,vitamin A and great for regularity.
- Broccoli Head Powder is a cruciferous vegetable and aids in preventing cancer and other diseases.
- Spinach Leaf Powder is high in fiber.
- Parsley Leaf Powder alleviates bad breath.
- Kale Powder is a super food leafy vegetable and great for colon health. Is low in fat and calories. Kale is a powerhouse of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as potential anti-cancer benefits, cardiovascular system support and help for the body’s detox process.
- Apple Fiber Pectin is high in natural fiber.
- Cranberry Fruit Powder helps lower urine pH when urine is too alkaline. reduces formation of struvite crystals and bladder stones. Does your pet have constant urinary issues?
- Raspberry and Blueberry Fruit Powder is a superfood. Good for cardiovascular disease and high in antioxidants.
- Noni is great for hip dysplasia relief, flea and tick prevention as well as anti-parasite prevention. Super skin healer.
- Antioxidant Nutrients come from whole foods and are recognized and assimilated by the body more readily than in their isolated forms.